Research Tracking Sites


Crossland, C., Campbell, J.T., & Hill, A.D. 2024. What is strategic leadership?. In: Z. Simsek, C. Heavey, & B. Fox (Eds.) The Handbook of Research on Strategic Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Edward Elgar, forthcoming. Preprint

Crossland, C. 2023. Letter to a newly-invited department chair. Journal of Management Inquiry,  32: 243-247. Preprint; Article (gated) 

Campbell, J.T., Bilgili, H., Crossland, C., & Ajay, B. 2023. The background on executive background: An integrative review. Journal of Management, 49: 7-51. Preprint; Article (gated) 

Chen, G., Crossland, C., & Huang, S. 2020. That could have been me: Director deaths, CEO mortality salience, and corporate prosocial behavior. Management Science, 66: 3142-3161. Preprint; Article (gated)

Quigley, T., Wowak, A., & Crossland, C. 2020. Board predictive accuracy in executive selection decisions: How do initial board perceptions of CEO quality correspond with subsequent CEO career performance? Organization Science, 31: 720-741. Preprint; Article (gated) 

Hambrick, D.C., & Crossland, C. 2018. A strategy for behavioral strategy: Appraisal of small, midsize, and large tent conceptions of this embryonic community. In: M. Augier, C. Fang, & V. Rindova (Eds.) Behavioral Strategy in Perspective (Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 39): 22-39. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Preprint; Article (gated) 

Bartkus, V.O., Mannor, M.J., Campbell, J.T., & Crossland, C. 2018. Fast and rigorous: Configurational determinants of strategic decision-making balance. Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Proceedings. Preprint 

Wowak, A.J., Mannor, M.J., & Crossland, C. 2018. Do CEOs receive the pay they deserve? A new vantage on a familiar question. Management Research; 16: 47-56. Preprint; Article (gated) 

Quigley, T., Crossland, C., & Campbell, R. 2017. Shareholder perceptions of the changing impact of CEOs: Market reactions to unexpected CEO deaths, 1950-2009. Strategic Management Journal; 38:939-949. Article (gated)

​Kilduff, M., Crossland, C., Tsai, W., & Bowers, M. 2016. Magnification and correction of the acolyte effect: Initial benefits and ex post settling up in NFL coaching careers. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 352-375. Preprint; Article (gated)

Kilduff, M., Crossland, C., Tsai, W., & Bowers, M. 2016. Why Jose Mourinho's proteges failed when they became managers. London School of Economics Business Review, June 8. Article

Chen, G., Crossland, C., & Huang, S. 2016. Female board representation and corporate acquisition intensity. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 303-313. Preprint; Article (gated)

Li, M., Lin, Y., Huang, S., & Crossland, C. 2016. The use of sparse inverse covariance estimation for relationship detection and hypothesis generation in strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 86-97. (SMJ Special Issue: Question-based innovations in strategy research methods) Preprint; Article (gated)

Chen, G., Crossland, C., & Luo, S. 2015. Making the same mistake all over again: CEO overconfidence and corporate resistance to corrective feedback. Strategic Management Journal, 36: 1513-1535. Preprint; Article (gated)

Chen, G., & Crossland, C. 2014. Can you believe it? Managerial discretion, information intermediaries, and the credibility of corporate disclosures. Advances in Strategic Management, 31: 103-143. Preprint; Article (gated)

Crossland, C., Zyung, J., Hiller, N.J., & Hambrick, D.C. 2014. CEO career variety: Effects on firm-level strategic and social novelty. Academy of Management Journal, 57: 652-674. Preprint; Article (gated)

Crossland, C., & Chen, G. 2013. Executive accountability around the world: The sources of cross-national variation in firm performance-CEO dismissal sensitivity. Strategic Organization, 11: 78-109. Preprint; Article (gated)

Crossland, C. & Hambrick, D.C. 2011. Differences in managerial discretion across countries: How nation-level institutions affect the degree to which CEOs matter. Strategic Management Journal, 32: 797-819. Preprint; Article (gated)

Crossland, C. 2009. Why do CEOs matter more in some countries than others? Managerial discretion at the national level. Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Proceedings. Preprint; Article (gated)

​Kilduff, M., Crossland, C., Tsai, W., & Krackhardt, D. 2008. Organizational network perceptions versus reality: A small world after all? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 107: 15-28. Preprint; Article (gated)

Crossland, C., Ketchen, D. J., & Snow, C. C. 2008. Multi-firm collaboration and international competitive dynamics. In: A.Y. Lewin, S.T. Cavusgil, G.T.M. Hult, & D.A. Griffith (Eds.), Thought Leadership in Advancing International Business Research: 190-204. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Preprint; Contact me for formatted copy

Crossland, C. 2007. National institutions and managerial discretion: A taxonomy of 24 countries. Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Proceedings. Preprint; Article (gated)

Crossland, C. & Hambrick, D.C. 2007. How national systems differ in their constraints on corporate executives: A study of CEO effects in three countries. Strategic Management Journal, 28: 767-79. Preprint, Article (gated)

​Kilduff, M., Crossland, C., & Tsai, W. 2007. Pathways of opportunity in dynamic organizational networks. In: M. Uhl-Bien & R. Marion (Eds.), Complexity Leadership Part 1: Conceptual Foundations: 83-99. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Preprint, Contact me for formatted copy

Crossland, C. 2005. How national systems influence executive discretion: A study of CEO effects in three countries. Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Proceedings. Preprint; Article (gated)

Craig Crossland

John V. Roach Dean

Professor of Management

Neeley School of Business; Texas Christian University


My research interests lie in the field of strategic management, with an emphasis on strategic leadership – the study of senior executives and their effects on organizational outcomes. Most of my work examines managerial discretion – the extent to which executives are able to influence their firms’ strategic actions and eventual performance outcomes. Relatedly, I am interested in the topics of executive characteristics, corporate governance, and behavioral strategy. My current work in this domain examines how CEOs’ personal characteristics and experiences affect the nature of firm-level strategic decisions and behaviors.



Strategic leadership; corporate governance; behavioral strategy; managerial discretion; executive characteristics and experiences; executive succession